Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010
Making Money With Blog
1. Consider your audience Even if your blog is for personal use, think of your readers and what they would want to read. And how you can help them. For example, you could write a post on the top ten ways to do something. This establishes you as an expert in a niche which helps to build rapport which helps increase sales. 2. Use pictures and videos Placing relevant pictures to the post on your blog not only look good but can help educate a reader better on how to do something. Did you know? You can also take any video from You Tube and place it on your blog for free. This drives more traffic and you guessed it, more sales.
3. Use simple words and simple language on your blogs You don't have to make the blog sound like it has been written by an author or English teacher to make it popular. Write like you speak...use simple, small words, short sentences. Avoid technical jargon, this will bore the reader. Write in a way that most people would understand. Take this article as an example. Make your posts useful, helpful and easy to read. And people will enjoy reading them and keep coming back to your blog.
4. Make your Blog interactive Your blog already has a space for comments at the end of each post built in. For extra options, you use plugins. What are plugins? They are widgets or add ons to give your blog extra functions. It is pretty simple to install a plugin. And you can find a plugin for almost any purpose.
To make you blog interactive, a Social Media plugin is good. This type of plugin adds options to the end of a post or to any part of the blog. These options allow your readers to share your post with their followers or contacts on Twitter or Facebook.
They just click the "share" option, select Twitter for example, log into their Twitter account and share the post with their followers. Why is this important? Because your blog is seen by more people which means more sales.
source :J. Pal
Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010
10 Top Smart Web Design Tips
1. Time is money, save both by managing and processing work carefully and logically. They say that an impression is made by the viewer in the first four seconds of reviewing a site. Thus it's this time that you have to make a good impact on your reviewer.
To miss this opportunity only leaves you with a large amount of ground to catch up on. So, you have only four seconds to persuade your visitor to continue navigating around your website, otherwise they may well already be thinking of trying the next one.
2. Convenient and simple menues guide your users. When first they enter the site, they examine it and look for the all important navigation aids. Again, these are features that must appear very obvious and in clear sight, users must see everything they need simply classified on the shelves as they would expect to see them.
Once you have grabbed the user's mouse pointer, they will have a desire to click further and drill down.
3. What is the most eye-catching place on a web page? It is a well recognised fact among web presenters that the upper-left corner is the most desirable position and it's where the eye tends to sink to. Why is this so? This is natural as in European countries people usually start reading books or writing articles from this position.
Of course, it will appear different for those that are surfing from and Oriental or Middle Eastern country. Thus your target market has to be well thought out before selecting the information starting position. Thus most Western websites and applications are mainly designed from the up-left corner. Here you can place a logo or slogan, search box or any other piece of information that you feel would benefit from such a position.
4. Other psychological studies say that web information is in fact scanned in an "F" way. What does this mean? The top area is scanned horizontally, and the middle area and lower one is scanned only on the left side- vertically. So again please consider this research when arranging content for your website.
5. Another interesting fact is that of advertising. In the whole users deplore adverts and their eyes will ignore all of them just by association, remember the brain is a very fast processing device and scans the page without you thinking and has already decided very early on what an advert looks like and will ignore if it recognizes a pattern.
So again remember that people are busy and have just small amount of time to devote to finding what they need. So respect their time and be patience but plan the your advertising carefully and not too aggressively!
6. Do you think that images are more alluring than texts? You are possibly wrong, as sometimes word can seize you more attention that any bright graphic. So, if you want to deliver an important message to a person, use a slogan rather than a pretty image!
7. What else can grab users' attention? Slogans, buttons, textual headlines...- they must be simple and bright and well thought out. Dirty childish graphics will turn people off very fast.
8. Text must be formatted in a proper way. Make it simple, understandable with continuity of size, font and colour. Different fonts and sizes of letters, paragraphs, underlined, bold, italics and other means of word expression can help you but must be used sparingly and within the overall look and feel of the site.
9. People faces in graphics will catch the users' attention. You can apply various ideas around this idea. especially if an image's look is directed straight at the reviewer...
10. White spaces are a worthy and not well used device. It can prjavascript:void(0)ovides a web page with the necessary air to breathe as well as giving space between the elements, so use wisely and your page will be worth reading...
Here you have some interesting facts and points you can follow.
About the Author: Travis Olague - Kaweb is a Birmingham web design company. Our company is specialized in ecommerce solutions, iPhone Apps, content management systems and all online applications.
Minggu, 07 Maret 2010
GSolusi Volt Stabilizer
GSolusi Voltage Stabilizer
GSolusi Voltage Stabilizer adalah suatu alat produk elektronik dalam negri yang dibuat dengan 2 sistim, menstabilkan tegangan kelistrikan dan mengurangi interferensi elektrik yang terdapat pada kendaraan sekaligus menjaga keamanan peralatan dan sistim kelistrikan kendaraan dari gangguan adanya tegangan kejut ("surge protektor").Voltage Stabilizer System (VSS) ditujukan untuk menjaga kestabilan voltase listrik pada semua jaringan listrik dan perangkat elektronik pada mobil. Apabila terjadi kelebihan beban daya listrik secara tiba-tiba, seperti saat memacu kendaraan atau menyalakan AC, maka GS-VS akan mencegah kekurangan daya dari jaringan elektrik lainnya sehingga dapat bekerja secara optimal.
Interference Reducer System (IRS) berfungsi untuk mengurangi gangguan bunyi antar perangkat elektronik yang terdapat di dalam mobil. Saat ini hampir semua mobil menggunakan banyak perangkat elektronik, seperti tubuh manusia, memiliki “actuator” (sama seperti saraf penggerak tangan) dan “reflector” (sistem saraf tangan). Signal perangkat elektronik di tangkap actuator (seperti sensor benturan) dan dikirim ke CPU kemudian diproses, data baru dikirim kembali ke reflector untuk memperbaiki masalah. Situasi itu akan berakibat pada keakuratan respon CPU mobil anda. Jadi IRS akan menyaring sinyal kebisingan dan mengkondisikannya agar tidak mengganggu keakuratan pemindahan sinyal antara actuator dan reflector untuk performa mobil yang lebih baik.
Surge Protector (pengaman tegangan kejut) berfungsi untuk menjaga perangkat kelistrikan yang tersambung pada sistim kelistrikan kendaraan anda dari tegangan tegangan kejut (tegangan yang berubah tiba-tiba secara ekstrim) yang dapat dihasilkan dari pembangkit arus (altenator) atau dari ketidak stabilan peralatan elektronik kendaraan lainnya.
Pemasangan produk GS-VS adalah sangat mudah, cukup dipasang pada battere kendaraan anda, dengan kode warna merah ke positif battere dan kode warna hitam ke negatif battere kendaraan anda.
Kegunaan GS-VS adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Meningkatkan tenaga mesin (torque) kendaraan
2. Menghemat BBM kendaraan
3. Meningkatkan respon mesin kendaraan
4. Menambah kualitas Kelistrikan, lampu, klakson, AC, Audio dan kualitas pengapian kendaraan
5. Memudahkan "Starter" kendaraan terutama pada saat pagi hari
6. Mereduksi getaran mesin
7. Memperpanjang usia battere
8. Meningkatkan kinerja mesin and tenaga kuda.
9. kendaraan
10. Pemasangan yang sangat mudah, cukup dipasang pada battere kendaraan (warna merah pada positif battere dan warna hitam pada negatif battere)
11. Garansi penggantian produk
Cara mendapatkannya :
* Pemesanan minimal 5 buah untuk GS VS Motor dan 2 buah untuk GS VS Mobil
* Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia dengan tambahan Rp. 15.000 bea kirim per satuan
* Transfer rekening Bank BCA :
BCA KCP Buaran Raya
A/n : Partahi Halomoan G
No.Rekening: 6330459041
* Untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut silahkan kirim email ke GSolusi.
Ezzer Chain LubeKemasan Aerosol 150 ml dan 300 ml
Adalah oli pemelihara rantai yang tahan air. Diformulakan dengan oli sintetik dan mineral yang berkualitas tinggi, anti oksidasi dan anti peralatan additive. Ezzer
chain lube merupakan pelumas rantai yang tahan lama, menjaga metal dari korosi, bekerja langsung kedalam sambungan antar rantai untuk perlindungannya.Didisain khusus untuk rantai yang bekerja dengan kecepatan tinggi dan beban berat dan mencegah kejutan beban tiba-tiba.
- Pelumas sintetik dengan campuran additive
- Pembersihan dan melindungi rantai
- Tahan terhadap kondisi RPM tinggi
- Mengurangi kebisingan dan gesekan rantai dengan gear
- Memperpanjang usia rantai
- Membuat perputaran rantai dengan halus, kuat, bersih dan aman
- Aman untuk metal dan kebanyakan plastik serta karet.
- Rantai motor
- Gear
- Sprockets
- Forklifts
- Penggulung kabel
- Pulley
- Conveyor
- Kabel kopling
- Traktor
- Peralatan pertanian
2.Ezzer Fan Belt Dressing
Kemasan Aerosol 150 ml dan 300 ml
Ezzer fan belt dressing adalah formula yang tahan air untuk fan belt kendaraan matic. Meningkatkan koefisien dan daya tahan V belt. Melindungi dan membuat V-belt bekerja dengan efisien, optimal dan mulus. Dibuat dan didisain untuk V-belt kecepatan tinggi dan berbeban berat serta mencegah kejutan beban tiba-tiba.
- Pelumas sintetik dengan campuran additive yang melindungi
- Pembersihan dan melindungi V-belt
- Tahan terhadap kondisi RPM tinggi
- Mengurangi kebisingan dan gesekan V-belt
- Memperpanjang usia V-belt
- Membuat perputaran V-belt dengan halus, kuat, bersih dan aman
Applikasi :
- V-belt Motor matic
- V-belt Mobil, truk, dan alat berat lainnya
- Conveyor
- Traktor
- Perlatan pertanian
3.EZZER Carburator and Injector Cleaner
Merupakan pembersih sintetis yang cepat membersihkan kotoran, carbon, sisa pembakaran, vamish,karet dan debu dari karburator dan ruang bakar mesin kendaraan.
Dapat meningkatkan potensi tenaga mesin yang hilang akibat banyak korosi dan kotoran pada karburator, ruang bakar serta memaksimalkan cara kerja karburator dalam komposisi udara dan bahan baka. Juga dapat membersihkan kendaraan yang menggunakan fuel injection.
Feature :
- Meningkatkan efisiensi pemakaian BBM
- Meningkatkan tenaga mesin
- Membersihkan Fuel Injection, karburator dan sistim kontrol emisi
- Menghilangkan karet, debu, karbon pembakaran
Applikasi :
- Karburator Motor, Mobil, Truk
- Fuel injection kendaraan
- Sistim kontrol emisi
- Injektor pada Generator dan Diesel
- Traktor dan alat berat lain
4.EZZER Anti Rust and Penetrating Oil
Kemasan Aerosol 400 ml
Adalah suatu cairan pembersih yang dengan cepat melepaskan karat dan korosi. Melumasi bagian yang lengket, membersihkan dan melindungi metal dari karat dan korosi. Aman untuk karet, plastik dan permukaan cat.
Feature :
- Membersihkan dan melindungi
- Cepat melepaskan bagian yang kena karat
- Melindungi metal terhadap korosi
- Memudahkan melepas bagian yang karat
Aplikasi :
- Untuk mur dan baut bearing
- Kunci/gembok
- Switch
- Tool
- Tie Road kendaraan
- Motor
- Generator
- Terminal battere/akki kendaraan
- Peralatan rumah tangga
5. EZZER Auto Start & Moisture Shield
Kemasan Aerosol 150 ml
Cairan yang dapat cepat mengangkat air dan berfungsi melindungi sistim pengapian dari endapan air. Memeliharan peralatan elektrikal seperti pada sistim pengapian
kendaraan, generator dan perkabelan.
Feature :
- Mengangkat penguapan dan air
- Melindungi perlatan elektrikal yang rentan terhadap air
Aplikasi :
- Motor elektrikal seperti, delco, platina
- Busi
- Lampu
- Soket elektrikal
- Sisitim pengapian kendaraan
Rabu, 17 Februari 2010
10 Tips For Success With AdsAndCash

For the first time since they got involved in internet marketing, many people are finding success with AdsAndCash. They are getting signups, making money and building downlines. I want everyone to achieve success, so below are 10 tips that hopefully will help you find it.
Everyone signs up for the $250 in advertising, but very few people take advantage of it. I really have no clue why this is, but I am sure everyone has their reasons. All you have to do is sign up and look at 25 sites to be able to have your text and banner ads rotated on multiple sites. Your ads are not hidden, they are seen EVERYWHERE. The banners at the top of this page are from GAT. The banners and text ads from the login page are from GAT. 85% of the advertising you see is from GAT. The other 15% of banners you see on the pages are Diamond Member ads. I made a clickbank sale last week and through tracking I know that this sale came from the text ads placed at GAT. I made $30 from this sale. If you did the bare minimum to get started at GAT it would take you 15 minutes at the most. $30 for 15 minutes of work is not too bad if you ask me.
Many members tell me that they have better results at GAT then with any other traffic exchange they use. If you just want to use it for the banners and text ads that is fine, but why not spend 15-20 minutes a day surfing there too to get your websites seen by the hundreds of people that surf there every day? Every 100 pages you surf gets you one entry in the weekly drawing. 21 prizes are awarded every week and anyone can win. With a 6 second timer, you can easily get 7 entries a week by spending 15-20 minutes a day surfing.
Be sure to read all the instructions at GAT to get the most use out of it.
2. Join All The Free Traffic Sites
If you have not joined Traffic Hoopla and Affiliate Funnel and the programs on those sites then do this today. When you join these sites, join the sites in these programs also and set them up correctly. I assume you do not have a big advertising budget and need all the free advertising you can get right? Traffic Hoopla and Affiliate Funnel list the top traffic exchanges and safelists online. These are the sites you should be spending a majority of your time at. If you are brand new to internet marketing, this will take awhile to set up, but it is worth it if you want to be a success online. I seen an AF site the other day being advertised, and 8 of the ID's listed were mine! If you are going to promote a site, join all the programs listed so you get credit when someone signs up under you. Once you get everything set up and focus on promoting, you will see results. All of these sites have instructions, but if you are not sure how to set something up, ask. I can't help you if you do not tell me you need help.
Link referral is another great site that produces good results if you use it on a consistent basis.
One of the great things about AdsAndCash is you can add 2 of your own programs. Just by promoting AdsAndCash you are going to get people to visit your site if you have added them.
The step by step process that new members go through is designed to benefit you, but you have to take the time to set it up.
Again a 100% free site that benefits everyone that uses it. If you are a cash generating machine that knows all there is to know about internet marketing then you probably don't need to be a member. My experience is that most people are not making money online and have many many questions on how to do it. Most of these questions you have can be answered at the forum.
Advice is dispensed freely to all who ask. You get another form of free advertising when you add your signature to your profile. Most people that use the forum are curious about active members and will click your signature if it is something that catches their eye.
You can also add your favorite program(s) to the Advertising section if it is not already listed.
I really do not see a reason not to be a member here. Internet marketing is still network marketing. One of the best ways to network and meet new people is through the forum.
If you do not know how to use a forum visit How To Use A Forum and you will learn everything you need to know to get started.
This is very important. When you enter your ID for a program you are basically adding your referral link for other members to join from. If you enter the wrong ID, then you will not get credit for the signup. Your ID is what makes your referral URL unique. All affiliate sites use some form of ID to track signups. Some use usernames, some use numbers. To find out what your ID is find the promotion section of the site and look for your URL. Below are some examples of where your ID will be:
These are the most popular types of links I have found. There are others but one thing they all have in common is something added to the main link. For instance, if someone were to visit they would go to the main page of AdsAndCash and signup under a random diamond member. If someone goes to they would sign up under member #77.
The unique ID is what sites use to track referrals. If you are not using the right ID then you will not get credit.
You should double or even triple check your ID's to make sure they are correct. I know there are some members who do not have the correct ID listed for GradeATraffic, but I can't go through every account and check this. Having the correct ID is your responsibility. Every referral you get in any program benefits you in some way, so please take the time to ensure that you are using the right one.
If you are not sure what the ID is for a particular program, let me know and I will help you out.
6. Only Use Splash Pages In Traffic Exchanges
This is something I mention over and over again. The main AdsAndCash site is not a good choice to promote in Traffic Exchanges. For that matter, the main site of any program is not a good choice to promote in TE's. People who are surfing TE's do not want to stop what they are doing and read a long sales letter. They are probably surfing 5 or more sites and at the most will just glance at a page to see if it can benefit them in any way. This is why splash pages work. They list one or two benefits that give the surfer a reason to click on it to learn more.
Another important part of the splash pages listed in your AdsAndCash back office is the SITENAME. There are several splash pages that are set up so you can personalize them for the exchange you are promoting on. It is your responsibility to change the SITENAME to the name of the site you are promoting on. This way the splash page will say Members of Hit2Hit instead of Members of SITENAME.
Please make sure you are changing this if you are going to promote one of the personalized splash pages.
They splash pages work and they get signups. Many people that promote AdsAndCash as their main site on TE's get on average 1 signup a day.
Promoting AdsandCash at GradeATraffic is ok, but I would not recommend it since most members of GradeaTraffic are already members of AdsAndCash. There are a some who are not, so you could add your AdsAndCash site once but you should use another splash or squeeze page for the rest of your sites.
7. Send Your New Signups A Welcome Email
When you get a new signup at AdsAndCash you are sent an email that has the name and email of the person that signed up. The first thing you should do when you get a new signup is send them an email and welcome them.
Introduce yourself as their sponsor and give them several ways to contact you if they need any assistance. If you use one of the many messenger services like Skype or Yahoo or MSN then this is a great way to contact them.
Let them know how you are getting signups and encourage them to set the system up and use it as this could get you signups in multiple programs.
Keep in contact with them and build a relationship with them.
AdsAndCash is set up to get as many people in your funnel as possible. The more people that you signup, the more likely you are to find the people to join you in other programs that you are a part of. Don't give up if you do not get a response from your new signups. You only need a few serious people following you to build a lifetime income online. When you find someone that replies teach them to do the same thing you do. It takes time, but it is well worth it in the long run.
If you need help with your welcome email there are several examples listed at BigMarketingForum.
There are many reports and downloads in your AdsAndCash back office. Take advantage of these and read them when you get time. You are guaranteed to learn something that can help you out.
Learning how to make money is essential to your long term success. If you are truly interested in making money, then take the time to learn how to do it. Believe me it takes much more than copying a link and adding it to some traffic exchanges. Almost all programs online have the potential to earn you money, but until you LEARN how to use them and build your lists you are just going to be wasting time and money joining them all.
If you spend most of your time surfing and clicking on links to earn traffic, then use 10 minutes of this time each day to learn something new that you can use to improve your earning potential.
The biggest mistake I see people make is jumping from one program to the next every couple of weeks or even worse every couple of days. To be successful you need to stick with something for more than a week or 2.
First decide how much time and money you can devote to your online business.
Next set up a schedule to use this time effectively. You can write it down, type it in notepad or however you want to do it. Just jumping around will get you nowhere fast.
If you have 2 hours a day. Decide how you want to spend this time each day and stick with it. Surf 5 exchanges for 45 minutes and earn credits. Spend 25 minutes reading your emails and clicking on credit links. Spend 20 minutes at forums. Spend 10 minutes sending out emails. etc. Or you can devote days to certain tasks. Monday you could surf for 2 hours. Tuesday you could catch up on your emails. Do what is best for you. There are certain things you should do each day like welcome new signups and reply to questions you get from your referrals.
You will be amazed by how much you can accomplish when you are not just jumping around aimlessly online.
Try to devote time each week to learning something and trying something new. Maybe you spend all of your time surfing traffic exchanges, join some text ad exchanges and use them for a few minutes each day. Use every available resource you can find to get your site noticed.
When you find something that works, upgrade or buy advertising there and spend your time testing out other sites to find more sites that work.
The best investment you can make in your online business is advertising. The amount of advertising you get with a Diamond Membership is the best deal you will find online.
It is a one time payment that will give you advertising forever. The advertising alone is worth the small one time cost. When you factor in everything else you get there is nothing online that compares.
Many Diamond Members will tell you that it is the best decision they have ever made online. Refer just 2 Diamond members and your membership is paid for.
If you can't afford it right now, save the money until you can. You can continue to promote AdsAndCash as a free member and if you refer a Diamond Member you will still earn $15.
You should also join the 3 paid programs in your back office when you can afford it. At least take the free trials and use the products to see if you like them.
The Online Ad Network lets you try the system free for 15 days. If you get 3 referrals in those 15 days you will not have any out of pocket expenses. Stick with this program and get just one referral a week and teach them to do the same and you could make a very nice monthly income.
No matter what you read online and on all those fancy sites, you are not going to get rich overnight. The people that do make a lot of money over night with these programs have been online for years. When they first started they had to work for all the signups too.
You made a great decision when you joined AdsAndCash, so please use everything that it is available to you.
If you have not tried promoting AdsAndCash as your main site on Traffic Exchanges please try it out. You will be surprised at how easy it is to get signups when you are giving surfers something they want.
This is a great page to send to your referrals in your welcome email to help them out. If you want to do this, just send them this link: